Adult Supported Living Program
At Mrs. Lucci’s Resource Centre
Adult Programs Offered Sunrise School Division Programs Offered
Since 2012 Mrs. Lucci’s has been offering an Adult Supported Living Program to assist adults with cognitive challenges to realize their potential. We accomplish this through the provision of a wide range of day service activities based upon their Person Centred Plan. We strive to provide ongoing supports and follow-up actions that meet each individual’s needs, and also maintains program quality over time.
Who qualifies for our Adult Special Services Program?
- Determination of eligibility requires a written diagnosis by a qualified professional.
- A recent psychological assessment is needed (the individual must be at least 15 years of age at the time of the assessment) for all participants.
- Clients must be 21 years of age or older, with an IQ of 70 or less (some exceptions exist — for more information, please contact your assigned CSW).
- The Independent Living with Supports program is available to adults between the ages of 18-21 that are living independently, up to a maximum of 20 hours/week
Who is involved in the planning and implementation of each program?
- Once eligibility is confirmed, then a Community Service Worker (CSW) from Community Living disABILITY Services (a department within CFS) is assigned
- The CSW meets with the individual, their support network (family members or other relevant adults), and Lucci’s Program Coordinator to create a Person Centered Plan
- Mrs. Lucci’s then contracts a Support Worker to work with the participant
How are the details of each program determined?
- The planning process evolves over the course of several meetings and conversations with all of the interested parties, culminating in the creation of a Person Centred Plan for each client.
- Determining factors for program content include; a) what activities are available for participation in the community, b) how much time per week is allotted by the CSW, c) what the client’s interests are, d) what the client’s needs are, and d) what their support people identify as important and necessary for the client.
Where is our program located?
- The Program Coordinator’s office is located in Mrs. Lucci’s Resource Centre. All program activities take place at various locations in and around Lac du Bonnet. Mrs. Lucci’s does not have a designated space in our facility for large scale programming to occur.
How many hours per week is service provided to participants?
- The CSW determines how many hours per week each client will receive, based upon their individual needs, the prominence of their support network, and their living situation.
What kinds of activities do our clients take part in on any given day?
- Participants take part in activities that are appealing and relevant to them, based upon their personal needs and interests. Examples; a) volunteer work at the food bank, congregate meal, recycling depot, etc. b) general daily activities such as grocery shopping, laundry, yard work, housework, c) recreational activities such as going to movies, picnics or hikes, playing or watching sports, working together on hobbies, etc, d) learning how to make healthy choices in regards to diet, exercise, hygiene, personal relationships, etc.
What kinds of services are NOT offered at this time by Mrs. Lucci’s?
- At the present time Mrs. Lucci’s does not offer residential care for clients. There is also very limited access to transportation for clients (short local trips only).
Why is this program important to the community of Lac du Bonnet?
Why is this program important to the individual participants and their families?
- Every citizen plays a role in the growth and health of their community, and every community plays a role in the quality of life of its citizens. Even those citizens who face challenges in their personal lives can benefit from a feeling of inclusion and importance in their community. It is our goal to have our clients gain a feeling of accomplishment, self worth, and satisfaction within our program. It is also our goal to have our clients contribute to the growth and prosperity of the community of Lac du Bonnet as much as they can.
Contact Information
Program Coordinator
Mrs. Lucci’s Resource Centre
Box 809, Lac du Bonnet, MB
(P) 204-345-9909
(F) 204-345-0037
Box 50
20 First St South
Beausejour, MB
(P) 204-268-6156
Adult Programs Offered;
Adult Supported Living Program (for adults with cognitive disabilities)
Day Services include a range of supports and training to help individuals to participate in the community through a variety of community based activities. In many cases the daily plan will include supported employment and follow-up services (support individuals in paid jobs in community settings), as well as vocationally focused services (help develop, maintain and enhance vocational and social skills). These services will be provided at various locations throughout our community. Personal development services will also be emphasized, in order to develop, maintain and enhance an individual’s personal care and social skills, emotional growth, physical development, and community skills.
Sunrise School Division Programs Offered;
Alternative Learning Program
In partnership with Sunrise School Division, an alternative classroom was developed with Mrs. Lucci’s. The focus was to provide opportunities and supports for students who are not achieving success in the regular high school program. The alternative classroom is situated in the former cafe space.