Healthy Child Manitoba Programs
At Mrs. Lucci’s Resource Centre
We continue to have clients come to Mrs. Lucci’s to seek services and supports at our Centre on a regular basis. Our staff works in partnership with MB Housing/EIA, AFM, CFS, IERHA, Sunrise SD, and a variety of other government agencies to support our families in raising their children in a safe, secure and loving environment that is conducive to learning.
Healthy Child Manitoba’s guiding principles centre around 10 basic ideals for programming quality. Programming should attempt to be; 1- community based, 2- evidence based, 3-culturally based, 4- responsive and inclusive, 5- integrated, coordinated, and comprehensive, 6- partnership driven, 7- measurable, 8- fiscally sound, 9- sustainable, 10-accountable. Mrs. Lucci’s strives to follow these guidelines as well.
HCM has 4 areas of interest when discussing/planning programming; community capacity building, family literacy, healthy eating/nutrition, and positive parenting.
The target age group for HCM programs; families with children ages 8 and under.
Who is involved in the planning and implementation of each program?
- Lucci HCM staff meet to discuss possible program options during the spring/summer
- A program facilitator is hired to implement the programs
How are the details of each program determined?
- The planning process evolves over the course of several meetings and conversations with all of the interested parties, culminating in the creation of programs that serve the needs of the families in our community.
- Determining factors for program content include; a) what activities are presently available for participation in the community (it is our mandate not to duplicate programming/services that already exist elsewhere), b) how much time per week is allotted for the HCM facilitator, and c) what the families’ interests/needs are.
Where is our program located? Our programming is located at Mrs. Lucci’s Resource Centre in the MPR, and also at Centennial School, depending on whether the program is facility based or school based
HCM programming typically runs from October to June each year, however not all programs run throughout this entire stretch of time. There are presently no programs that run through the summer months.
What kinds of activities do our families take part in on any given day?
- Participants take part in activities that are appealing and relevant to them, based upon their personal needs and interests. Examples may include;
- a) Parents Helping Parents support/play group
- b) Children’s At Home Safety Programs
- c) After School Friendship Programs
- d) Reading with Children
- e) School Supplies Bursary
- f) Grade 3 & 4 Homework Club
- g) Kids in the Kitchen
Why is this program important to the community of Lac du Bonnet?
Why is this program important to these families?
- Every family plays a role in the growth and health of their community, and every community plays a role in the quality of life of its families. Even those families who face challenges in their lives can benefit from a feeling of inclusion and self-worth in their community.
- Our Community Outreach Worker works closely with several families with small children to provide daily, weekly, or monthly support as needed. The majority of these families live in poverty, have multiple barriers to success, and are reluctant to accept all other agency support and programs. Their physical and emotional health is poor, and in conversations with the elementary school counselor, it is accurate to say that their children are all functioning below grade level cognitively, emotionally, and often physically. It is with these families in mind that we hope to administer our programs, in an effort to help to break the cycle of poverty and hopelessness.
REMINDER — Mrs. Lucci’s year end is July 31st.
The Programs Offered;
Mrs. Lucci’s pays for all students in grade 6 to receive the babysitting training course. We feel that it is important for all young adults to understand the safety and developmental needs of children who are in their care.
To ensure that all children in grade 4 learn the basic home safety rules, in the event that they are ever left home alone for short periods of time.
Once/week for 8 weeks (several times throughout the year), a group of elementary students attend an after school program at Centennial School that helps support and develop social skills. The students first get together and enjoy a nutritious snack, and then they go on to participate in activities and games that encourage cooperative play. For example, concern was identified regarding the need to provide grade 6 girls with the necessary skills to enter high school. Focus groups with the girls were held to give them an opportunity to identify their needs and concerns. As a result an after school program was developed to meet their needs.
A weekly cooking class is made available for children in grades 1-6. The focus is on cooking safety and nutrition. This program has a fee of $30. Mrs. Lucci’s is able to pay the fee for several children per session who would not otherwise be able to afford to attend. This program is offered to children of various age groups, three or four times throughout the year.
We continue to offer 2 parenting groups called Parents Helping Parents. These programs work to create support for parents of young children. One program takes place every Tuesday morning for any parents in the community who wish to attend. The other program takes place very second Thursday morning and is by invitation only, for at risk families. The program facilitator provides individual literacy and language support to parent(s) and child on an as requested basis. It is always our hope to have guest speakers come in to address the groups throughout the year, to discuss topics that are relevant to their lives and concerns.
Mrs. Lucci’s supplied Centennial school with the funds necessary to purchase school supplies for those children who are not financially able to pay for them themselves.
Mrs. Lucci’s also pays for a skating program for all Centennial School students at the LdB Arena, to promote physical activity and fitness.
Mrs. Lucci’s/Centennial School – Healthy Child Proposal
Mrs. Lucci’s made funds available to Centennial school to support the following activities which included/could include children in the early years category;
- Grade 3 & 4 Homework Club – This program ran twice/week from Feb 28 – June 14. During this period, students were invited and/or recommended by their teachers to receive individualized help completing their homework. The students who complete their homework early will have a chance to play a variety of board and /or learning games with the 2 program leaders. Snacks are provided.
- Reading to Children – Mrs. Lucci’s funds this program, which provides students with an opportunity to read aloud to an adult, on a regular basis, in order to complete their Book Bag/agenda requirements.