Mrs. Lucci’s Resource Centre Inc.

Mrs. Lucci’s has been a part of the community of Lac du Bonnet since August 1998 providing residents in the community and surrounding area with a variety of programs and services. Mrs. Lucci’s Resource Center was developed through the identification of various unmet needs within the region. The Centre is home to the second hand Store, a teaching kitchen and cafe space, and a large multipurpose room.

Mrs. Lucci’s strives to be a learning organization. The programs, opportunities and services offered through Mrs. Lucci’s will be client focused, flexible and will work in partnership to:

  • create greater social support networks among community members
  • improve the social status of community members
  • maximize the early childhood development of all children within the community
  • ensure children and youth have the best possible resources, supports and skills needed to succeed throughout life
  • improve personal health practices and coping skills among community members
  • provide early intervention for families and individuals in need
  • provide advocacy, make referrals and access resources for clients in need of support
  • enhance communication among service providers.

Programming targets the entire community with a focus on populations in need. All programs and supports are individually focused, holistic in nature and will look to the Determinants of Health to ensure all aspects of health are addressed.

Determinants of Health


Community Capacity Building

Every year, Mrs. Lucci’s has provided services and/or supports to over 300 individuals in the community. All services, supports and programs are developed based on community needs and exist to fill in gaps in service delivery.

Read more about our Programs & Partners


Annual Report

The annual report will give you a better insight into the goals , programs and initiatives of Mrs. Lucci’s.